Support for electric vehicles is ‘desperately needed’, owners could save hundreds per year

Drivers can already make a slew of savings by investing in an electric car, including a Government grant for low-emission vehicles and lower car tax rates. The Government’s energy regulator, Ofgem, has already invested £300million for over 200 low carbon projects to get Britain ready for more electric transport and heat.

He said: “The support from Ofgem is desperately needed.

“Smart charging is entirely feasible from every perspective today (technologically, commercially and regulatory).

“The electric vehicle revolution is happening quicker than ever today. Even for those who have been in the industry for many years, the pace of change in 2021 feels really exciting.

“It is fair to say that it feels like 2021 is the year that electric vehicles became mainstream and along with that UK drivers are now learning how best to ‘refuel’ their car.

Vehicle-to-grid technology will help advance the UK’s charging network as EVs will be transformed into a massive, distributed battery storage system while they are parked at home.

Drivers will be able to use their car to buy electricity when it’s cheap and sell it when it’s high and will be able to plug in their car and earn money while they sleep.

Charlie Cook continued, saying: “Smart charging has an awareness problem, and we are working with the UK’s largest automotive companies to fix that by bringing EV-friendly energy tariffs & smart charging advice into the UK’s showrooms.

“Vehicle-to-grid suffers from more difficult challenges currently but ones that we firmly believe will be overcome. The cost of the equipment required for vehicle-to-grid needs to come down and the value that can be generated needs to go up.

“There is a route to quickly reducing the cost by car manufacturers building the bi-directional charger into the vehicle.

“We’re sure that Ofgem’s support will accelerate the adoption of smart charging and vehicle-to-grid.

“And in doing so this will absolutely increase the rate of adoption of electric vehicles.”

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